Does the banana symbolise dickinhismouth?
Does the banana symbolise dickinhismouth?
Very, very good
yea why would a fairy be ...*gasp*... naked???? THAT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE ! I mean thats not even how theyre represented in most folk art. You should definately have made her wearing a parka... or perhaps a nice pant suit...
good cartoon, funny, clever
Weirdo9 great work
I cracked up when she got kicked in the face, awsome art and beautiful that you kicked the cliche in the face.
First flash was quite shitty
Pico flash was cool but generic
purple dude flash, cool environment, the character was uninspired
afropuff is right "patereotic" things are teh suck n00b duhzorz
The flash was so so, the reviews are better though
Very common theme...
I liked it until the end.
The falling boxes seemed abitrary and, as far as i can tell, held nor real meaning.
If your going to make an artsy film make sure you have something to hold it up.
Maybe I'm like the bearded man, maybe I'm just not seeing it. Or maybe the bearded man was right all along.
Thank you for your review.
Holy fucking shit
Good gad damn man how can you draw one of these without going a wee bit insane... well... whatever
For some reason i have to give it a high score though you fucking freak
Joined on 2/9/05